"I personally feel better for these sessions and as a consequence it has made me think about whether it would be possible to place a higher priority on regular movement within the workplace to see if an improvement can be made in the health and wellbeing of as many staff as possible."


Reduced Abesenteeism & Presenteeism

The wellbeing of workers is increasingly understood to be fundamental to the long-term success of organisations. Happy, healthy and empowered workers are more likely to perform better at their jobs, take fewer sick days, stay with an organisation longer, give better customer service and, ultimately, boost a company’s productivity.

Absenteeism is when a worker regularly takes days off work and mental health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression are a leading cause of absence.

Presenteeism, when employees are physically present in the workplace but don’t do work due to fatigue or distraction, is one of the most common problems at work today and has been shown to much more prevalent in employees with unhealthy behaviours. Smokers for example were 28% more likely to have high presenteeism than non-smokers, while employees with an unhealthy diet were 66% more likely than those who ate healthier foods.

Additionally, the physical risk factors of an unhealthy lifestyle such as chronic disease and pain also greatly increase the likeliness of presenteeism. The same study showed that employees who suffer from and neck and back pain are more likely to have high presenteeism that employees who don’t. 

Health and Work

Health of UK employees:

  • 1 in 4 of UK employees reported having a physical health condition
  • 1 in 3 employees with a long-term health condition have not discussed it with their employer
  • 1 in 3 of working age people in the UK have a heart condition
  • 1 in 6 adults will have experienced a common mental health disorder in the past week
  • 1 in 10 employees in the UK reported having a musculoskeletal condition
  • 1 in 8 people report having a mental health condition
  • 42% of employees with a health condition felt their condition affected their work 'a great deal' or 'to some extent



Did you know?

131 million working days are lost to sickness absence every year.

34.3 million days are lost to minor illnesses

28.2 million days are lost to musculoskeletal problems

14.3 million days are lost to stress, depression and anxiety


What if you could implement an initiative in your workplace that can decrease your rates of absenteeism and presenteeism? We can help and advise on this.

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